5 Dental Implant Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

August 26, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — hirenpatel @ 3:07 pm
dentist showing a patient a model of a dental implant

More than five million Americans have replaced their missing teeth with dental implants, with another half a million getting them each year. Still, there are plenty of misconceptions floating around about this tooth loss treatment. If you’re trying to learn about dental implants, it might be difficult to separate fact from fiction. Keep reading as an implant dentist dispels five common dental implant myths!

Myth #1: Only Old People Have Dental Implants

Dental implants aren’t just reserved for senior citizens. As long as your jawbone has fully developed (which usually occurs by a person’s mid-twenties), then you may be a good candidate. In fact, dental implants can actually prevent you from looking older because they keep the jawbone from shrinking after tooth loss. As a result, you can avoid the sunken, wrinkled appearance that denture wearers often have.

Myth #2: Dental Implants Won’t Let Me Eat My Favorite Foods

The only time dental implants should limit your diet might be during the initial recovery period. After the surgical site has healed and your prosthetic teeth have been placed, you should be able to dig into practically any food that you would like.

Myth #3: Everyone Will Be Able to Tell I Have Dental Implants

The crown, bridge, or denture that goes on top of your implants will be carefully designed to mimic your natural teeth. Additionally, you’ll never have to worry about your teeth shifting or falling out of your mouth like you might with regular dentures. So, your new smile should look and feel precisely like your old one.

Myth #4: Getting Dental Implants Is Painful

Most patients are pleasantly surprised by how comfortable dental implant surgery is. Your mouth will be numbed before the procedure, so you might feel some pressure, but not outright pain. If you’ve ever had a tooth extracted, you can expect about the same level of discomfort when having an implant placed.

Myth #5: Dental Implants Are Very Expensive

When you consider the long-term benefits of dental implants, this option is actually a smarter investment than traditional dentures or dental bridges. Those prosthetics need to be replaced every five to ten years, expounding their original costs. Dental implants, on the other hand, can potentially last for 30 years to a lifetime, which may make them more cost-effective overall.

Now that some of the most common dental implant myths have been cleared up, you might be interested in learning even more. Reach out to your dentist today to see if dental implants are right for you!

About the Author

Dr. Hiren Patel has completed more than 500 hours of continuing education, many of which were focused on dental implants. He has even achieved Fellowship status with the International Congress of Oral Implantologists. At HIC Dental – Implant & Family Dentistry, Dr. Patel can perform start-to-finish dental implant treatment in San Antonio. If you’d like to learn more about this revolutionary tooth loss solution, contact Dr. Patel by calling (210) 590-2736.

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