Sedation Dentistry – San Antonio, TX

Staying Relaxed During Your Visit

Woman relaxing after sedation dentistry visit

It never fails; whenever it’s time to go to the dentist, you’re consumed with feelings of anxiety, sometimes to the point where you consider skipping the appointment altogether. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Dental anxiety affects millions of Americans, and it can potentially serve as an obstacle to getting the care they need. Dr. Patel can help nervous or frightened patients feel at ease about their visits thanks to oral conscious and nitrous oxide sedation. Call today to learn how you could benefit from these options for sedation dentistry in San Antonio, TX at future treatments.

Why Choose HIC Dental - Implant & Family Dentistry for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Multiple Forms of Sedation Available
  • Compassionate, Gentle Dentist and Team
  • Convenient Hours, Short Wait Times

Oral Conscious Sedation

Patient taking oral conscious dental sedation pill

Oral conscious sedation is meant to put patients with advanced dental fears into a highly relaxed state where they’re comfortable with everything going on around them; it’s also useful for helping patients sit still for longer treatments. You’ll take a pill about an hour before your appointment so that you’ll already be feeling the effects by the time the treatment starts. Plan on having someone else bring you to our dental office and drive you home afterward. Our team can go more in-depth about this sedation option during your consultation.

What is Oral Conscious Sedation?

a patient relaxing during a dental appointment

This is a form of sedation dentistry that is designed to help patients who experience moderate to higher levels of dental-related anxiety. Dr. Patel will prescribe you a pill that will provide an effect similar to nitrous oxide—only more powerful—which will allow you to feel even greater comfort and relaxation during your appointment/treatment. Our team will instruct you on how to take the medication and the exact time to take it so that the intended side effects occur at the proper moment just before your visit.

How Does Oral Conscious Sedation Work?

a person preparing to take a pill

We will walk you through the details of this sedation option during your consultation, as we’ll need to discuss your future procedure and how this treatment fits into play. At a certain time before arriving for your scheduled appointment, you’ll be tasked with taking the oral conscious pill so that the effects can kick in.

You should begin to feel drowsy and even euphoric, as the medication will help you feel completely relaxed and stress-free. While technically awake, you’ll be capable of responding to simple questions and commands by our team while we work on your smile. Our trained experts will monitor your vitals and breathing the entire time to make sure you’re safe.

Oral conscious sedation usually lasts much longer than nitrous oxide, meaning you can end up feeling the effects of the pill several hours after your appointment. For this reason, you’ll need to arrange for a friend or family member to take you to and from the dental office.

Who is a Good Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation?

a dental patient smiling after undergoing treatment

Patients who struggle with the following complications are generally the ideal candidates for oral conscious sedation:

  • Moderate to high levels of dental anxiety or fear
  • Strong or sensitive gag reflex
  • Difficulty staying still for long periods
  • Physical disability that makes it hard to sit comfortably
  • Experienced a traumatic dental experience
  • Requires extensive dental treatment or multiple procedures

Of course, the only way to know for certain if you’re eligible for this sedation option is by visiting our team for a consultation. We’ll review your dental and medical history to see if this treatment is safe for you.

Nitrous Oxide Dental Sedation

Woman resting after nitrous oxide dental sedation visit

One of the most common types of dental sedation that you’ve probably heard about is nitrous oxide. There’s no preparation needed; you simply sit down in the dental chair like usual, and a special mask is fitted over your nose so that you can breathe in the nitrous oxide during your appointment. Nitrous oxide wears off much faster than other sedatives, which makes it suitable for routine dental checkups and patients who are only a little anxious.